*AAA* Success formula for a Sadhaka

*A*ppreciate *A*nd *A*dvance

*Gratitude is the root quality from which all other qualities will sprout and grow.* Time and again it is seen that we falter badly because we are not grateful -- we are not able to appreciate what we have and whom we have in our life.

Krishna teaches us how to cultivate this -- he gives a string of verses in Chapter-7. *I am the taste of water* he declares. And Prabhupada tells us, every time you sip some water, think and thank Krishna for giving you the water. Seems so simple and trivial, we forget this and keep drinking gallons of water and still gallons of dirt continue to accumulate in the heart.

After decades, a Sadhaka will feel his heart is still like a stone. Result -- no taste > illusion > offend others > fall down.

Gratitude is not optional for a Sadhaka who wants to progress.